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Monthly Archives: November 2012

Efficient small living not a new idea

From the people at Smallworks comes a story of how Sears and Roebuck (the forerunners of today’s Sears stores) sold pre-fab HOUSES from a catalogue about 100 years ago.

The Rodessa was one of their most popular designs and at one time, two identical homes were built in Cairo Illinois.  The story is of how the HonorBilt system saved hundreds of hours over traditionally built homes.

That was a very small house, just 22 x 28 feet with a porch.  But there were lots of other styles available, from large to small:

It’s great to see how many are still around.  Thanks to the blog Sears Modern Homes for all the info!


Little guest cottage in the back yard!

Here’s another great story from Houzz about a family who built a tiny guest cottage where their garage had stood.

Other design by Seattle Photographer Louise Lakier
Isn’t it sweet?  And it contains a separate bedroom and even a fireplace!
Living Room design by Seattle Photographer Louise Lakier

Energy efficient small home design

Check out this story about a new pre-fab design that is energy — and space — efficient.

Modern Exterior design by San Francisco Photographer Alex Amend Photography
Good planning for future living.

Skinny house!

While we ready ourselves to live in a much smaller space, someone has moved into a home that’s only four feet wide!

See it here.

I don’t think I could stand too many rainy Sundays in such tight quarters.

Wishin’ and hopin’ and waitin’

Ah, so much about this project reminds me of that Dusty Springfield song. Okay, I know Burt Bacharach and Hal David wrote it, but it really was Dusty’s song.

So much time is spent wishing and hoping and planning.  We will be meeting with the designer in the next few weeks to talk over the DRAFT Design Development.  In the meantime, I am still looking through every decorating site on the web, thinking about what we like and don’t like, what we can use or what would be too outre.

I spent last weeks visiting the old folks at home in their condo in Nelson, BC.

Nelson is a beautiful town, and Mom and Dad’s condo looks out over the Kootenay river.  Very relaxing.  While we were there, the grand-kidlet found some magazines under the couch — some from as long ago as 1950.  The emphasis on thrift and re-using instead of buying new stuff really struck me.  Everything was about making a dollar go as far as possible.  Tucked into the magazine was an English Woman’s Weekly (famed for its Knitting!) from the 1970’s.  It showed how to knit rags into rugs and tucked into that magazine was some directions my grandmother had sent to her from the Toronto Star in 1946 showing the same thing.  So that’s another project I can dream about — I’m currently in the middle of 3 knitting projects and have vowed not to buy another meter of yarn until they are complete.   I put the directions for the rugs away, but it’s given me an excuse to hold onto an old kilt that the moths attacked and ruined — the fabric will be perfect for the rug.

By the way, speaking of wishing and hoping and planning, nothing gets the old creative, aquisitive juices flowing than flipping through  I get the emails and drool over them every week — pinning everything from interesting lamps to ideas for herb gardens.  It’s a great read.

My Pain, My Life, My Struggles, My Fight

Come walk with me, Down My Dark & Stormy Journey BUSINESS INQUIRIES & CONTACT EMAIL : GODSCHILD4048@GMAIL.COM


Artist and Desert Dweller with Big City Style.

Im ashamed to die until i have won some victory for humanity.

Domenic Garisto / LIFE IS NOT A REHERSAL,SO LIVE IT..if you can't be the poet, be the

The Lady Who Lives Down the Lane

Lane Way Housing for the Nervous Novice

Apartment Therapy| Saving the world, one room at a time

Lane Way Housing for the Nervous Novice

Slightly Snug House

building a home that's not too big and not too small


Funny thoughts from a nut like me.

Small House Bliss

Small house designs with big impact


Lane Way Housing for the Nervous Novice

Small Housing

Lane Way Housing for the Nervous Novice