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Monthly Archives: August 2012

This week in (our) history

Things I was supposed to do this week:

  1. Meet with banker to discuss loans, etc.
  2. Meet with designer and daughter to discuss design
  3. Find a notary public to witness our tenants-in-common agreement.

Of course, life got in the way:

  1. The banker didn’t know we were supposed to discuss loans.  He thought we were going to discuss investments.  Guess what our only investment is going to be?  The laneway house!  Got to make another appointment to discuss loans.
  2. Could not attend the appointment because everyone else in the office was out at meetings, illnesses, or holidays and it LOOKS BAD if someone shows up to the office and all you see are tumbleweeds rolling across the floor.  But then it turned out that the designer and the daughter had to cancel, too, so all is well and we will meet in early September.
  3. Printed out large list of local notaries public.  Waited until every one else in the office was out.  Called first notary.  He’ll do it for $50 with $10 for each additional copy.  Sounds good to me!  Will make appointment for us to sign tenants-in-common agreement.

Oh look, a picture of a dear little cottage, just like ours will be one day:

Cute cottage

except ours will not look anything like that.

Survey Says!

The property has been surveyed.

The designer/builder Laurel will be by to speak to Daughter this week, and to get some papers signed.  The city has to know they are authorized to act on our behalf.

Things are moving ahead at glacial speed, but moving nonetheless.

Next step:  must find Notary Public to witness our signatures on the Tenants In Common agreement.

Are these people ready to live in a laneway house?

No.  No we are not.

We have signed the agreement to let our designer/contractor actually get started on designing and, you know, contracting.  But it’s obvious that we are not ready to move into a house that is 500 square feet large.  And when you think that 500 square feet is 46.451522 square metres, it seems even smaller!

Lest you think I am being hysterical…..this weekend is a holiday long weekend (BC Day — go BC!) and so we spent a whole day not going to the Pride Parade but instead cleaning out our storage space in the downstairs parking area.  The before picture:

Pretty horrible, isn’t it?  Like we are two empty shoe boxes away from being a reality show.  But after a day of moving stuff, repacking stuff from flimsy boxes into plastic bins, recycling what we could, giving away what we could, and being subjected to the neighbourly stink-eye for filling our collective garbage bin to the top, we finished.

Looking for the after picture?

Nope.  Not going to show it.  Because it is nearly as horrible as the before picture.  We have too much stuff.  But at least now we know that we will have to find shelf space for a couple hundred LP records as well as everything else.

What’s new, pussycat?

What’s happening, you ask? The wheels of fate grind slow…..but one of the variables that was hanging has now been settled.  So we can move ahead.

Decisions will be made.  Ducks will be placed in a row. Meetings will be held.  Papers will be signed (and notarized).

Our dreams will all come true.  But in the meantime…….

we have cats to look at.

My Pain, My Life, My Struggles, My Fight

Come walk with me, Down My Dark & Stormy Journey BUSINESS INQUIRIES & CONTACT EMAIL : GODSCHILD4048@GMAIL.COM


Artist and Desert Dweller with Big City Style.

Im ashamed to die until i have won some victory for humanity.

Domenic Garisto / LIFE IS NOT A REHERSAL,SO LIVE IT..if you can't be the poet, be the

The Lady Who Lives Down the Lane

Lane Way Housing for the Nervous Novice

Apartment Therapy| Saving the world, one room at a time

Lane Way Housing for the Nervous Novice

Slightly Snug House

building a home that's not too big and not too small


Funny thoughts from a nut like me.

Small House Bliss

Small house designs with big impact


Lane Way Housing for the Nervous Novice

Small Housing

Lane Way Housing for the Nervous Novice